
Kate and Celine using the Flow Cytometer
Credit – Olutosin S.
Kate in the Biological Growth Chamber
Credit – Olutosin S.
Jonathan Moon presents his Master’s seminar
Credit – Olutosin S.
Cold water survival training
Credit – Maura Niemesto
Kate with the lab’s mascot, “Teri the phage”
Credit – Olutosin S.
Sunset over the Gulf Stream
Credit – Patrick Gray
Cold water survival training
Credit – Maura Niemesto
Gulf Stream Cruise
Credit – Katelyn Smith
CTD Sampling (Gulf of Maine)
Credit – Maura Niemesto
Credit – Maura Niemesto
Floge Lab 2023
Credit – Olutosin S
Credit – Olutosin S
Floge Lab 2023
Credit – Olutosin S